One of the initial reactions to
Chainki is that, since absolutely
anyone can edit, it will soon be full of spam. After now nearly 6 months of being working as a site, how is this prophecy of doom working out? Pretty poorly actually.
When, to start with, there was just me looking out for spammers, there was a little bit, but it was easy for me to cope with it. Now, as the site has grown and there are more and more visitors, true, there are more and more spammers, but also there are also more and more editors who take the time to stomp out any spam they see. Overall, I think the percentage of spammers to people who remove spam remains highly against the spammers.
And just imagine my personal delight when I now see that someone
else than me has removed spam.
It shows that the system is working. It shows that the good guys in the wiki world always outnumber the bad guys. It has worked for
Wikipedia, and I don't see why it should not work for Chainki.
The really good news as far as I'm concerned is that it looks that as the site grows in visitors, so the good guy vs. bad guy balance will probably stay the same, and so Chainki will never be full of spam.
I for one will be very happy about that.